Literacy Library: Tutor Tools & Resources



Teacher Training Plus Project by ProLiteracy – Continue your tutor training by participating in free webinars for trained tutors. Four training areas are offered: Basic Literacy Instruction, English Language Learning, HSE Instruction, and Using Published Materials.

Webinars are about an hour long, and in follow-up, optional small-group coaching is available, as well as handouts and slide presentations. Webinars in each area are listed by date, and past webinars are also available for viewing.
All past webinars are also available on YouTube. You can visit the channel here —


Personal Goals and Achievements Feb 2016 (.pdf version) –  Help your student identify his/her goals.

Personal Goals and Achievements in Spanish Feb 2016 (.pdf version) – en Espanol!

Success Stories About Adult Learners – Click on the links to stories about real students and tutors, past and present.

Session Planner – A blank template to help you plan your tutoring sessions can be found in both MS Word and PDF formats.  Select the one that works best for you.




  • News In Levels – Interesting newspaper articles with audio-video clips: includes 3 levels of difficulty, grammar, quizzes, and email access.
  • Hi-Lo readers for adult students available through the Literacy Council. These original, unabridged works by best-selling authors and gifted writers are designed to help new readers find pleasure in reading. Some of the books come with online tools to enhance the learning experience and stimulate discussion. The Literacy Council also has a range of abridged classics in its library. Please inquire with staff for more information.
  • Barbara Bush Foundation Reading Resource Library – A tool created for educators to share with learners, filled with topically relevant, educational, and captivating books for readers of all ages and levels.
  • LiteracyWorks Projects– Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) website has news and projects to help promote adult literacy.
  • Dyslexia Help – Support students with dyslexia: tips, tricks, and tech for teachers.
  • Books for those learning to read:  Look in the AA county library catalog for “The sound of,” and then select children’s books, and you will find several books published by “A Child’s World” that are easy to read and helpful for learning the sounds of letters and combinations of letters, eg, “The Hot Pot, The sound of short O.”
  • Books for those learning to read.  This website has a description of the books, which can be found in the Anne Arundel County Library.
  • Basic literacy (you can follow phonics lessons, using bingo cards and word lists):

Laubach Way to Reading


  •  Phonics for AdultsPhonics is the basis of reading and writing. This site explains why and addresses how to work with adults who struggle with literacy.

Vocabulary, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Writing


Pronunciation Tools



  • Midkent College  – Have you given any thought to the importance of using English and Math for your family, career, and future?
  • Visit Khan to work on skills in many subjects. Tutors can link with their learners (through G-mail) to see what has been mastered and what the learner is “stuck” on.
  • GED Online Videos  – Video discussion strategies about how to successfully pass the GED exam in all subject areas. A positive reinforcing study guide from the State of Missouri Adult Education and Literacy!
  • This  WORD LIST provides the meaning of 14 prefixes and root words that will enable students to understand over 14,000 words in English!! A great vocabulary builder for the GED and other exams!
  • New Readers has a large, downloadable selection of free GED prep materials available.
  • California Distance Learning Project for Adult Learning – Adult learning activities that build reading and writing skills through stories on a variety of topics (e.g. working, family, housing, etc.).
  • GED Teaching Resources.  On this page,
    a. Tutors can get a good overview of the four parts of the GED test in the ‘Educator Handbook’.
    b. Critical thinking skills required to pass the test are in the ‘High Impact Indicators’ section.
    c. The ‘Assessment Guide’ for each subject has an excellent overview of each test, including format of questions and formula sheets.
    d. Link to Study Guides for all four subjects
    e. Tools for the extended response in the Language Arts test 
    f. The tab ‘Top Resources’ in the left-hand column of this page lists good resources for GED tutors, including webinars, computer-based tests, and calculator tutorials!

  • GED test accommodations
    There is a section for ADHD explaining the requirements to apply for accommodation. This page also gives information on how to apply and appeal if a case is rejected. Tutors, we also have codes for free GEDReady tests that we will be happy to share with you. CLICK HERE to email Dr. Perinaaz Gandhi, our GED coordinator, to find out how to get them.


  • Duolingo Math: leveled coursework — use the app you’ve accessed for fun language training to practice Math from foundational to intermediate levels.
  • Math Word Problem Strategies  — 3 Strategies to Conquer Math Word Problems.
  • Khan — Learn basic arithmetic to college-level Math skills.
  • Math Antics video lectures — free instructional Math videos. Students find them informative and engaging. Exercises and homework assignments are available, but they require a $20 annual subscription.
  • Dad’s Worksheets — printable worksheets, online calculators, games, puzzles, and tools such as timers and converters.
  • Crossword Puzzlemaker —  Online crossword puzzle site allows you to create puzzles in 6 levels, and it’s very easy to use!
  • Discovery Education PuzzleMaker — Create different types of word and math puzzles, cryptograms, and mazes on this site.
  • Games —The Games tab has crossword, math, and other word puzzles.
  • GCF Learn — a (Goodwill Community Foundation)- is user-friendly for self-paced learning modules on computer skills, basic literacy, ESL, Math and money, and more.


If you know of any tutor tools or resources worthy of sharing, please send them to Jane Seiss, our Executive Director.