Community Resources
En Español: Recursos comunitarios
The following resources are available to residents of Anne Arundel County.
This list does not include all available assistance in our communities. Use 2-1-1 Maryland for more comprehensive resources. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement by the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council.
These resources will be updated as we become aware of changes or new services. Please contact us at to suggest additional listings.
For needs of any kind 2-1-1 Maryland is a comprehensive resource.
Dial 211 or visit — free, confidential information and referral to health and human service agencies and nonprofits in Maryland 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in more than 150 languages. The Literacy Council proudly participates as a 2-1-1-listed education service for Anne Arundel County adults.
Anne Arundel County Crisis Warmline: 410-768-5522 — for 24/7 mental health and substance use disorder support.
Department of Aging and Disabilities: 410-222-4257
Department of Health: 410-222-7153
Department of Social Services: 410-269-4500
Domestic Violence Hotline: 410-222-6800
Housing Resource Portal:— a hub for housing resources and information created through a partnership between the county’s Office of Equity and Human Rights and Arundel Community Development Services (ACDS).
Mental Health Agency: 410-222-7858 — mental health resources for County residents.
Office of Multicultural Affairs: 410-222-0319 — engages with multicultural communities in Anne Arundel County to connect, inform, and elevate the county’s diverse voices.
Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families: 410-222-7423 — support system for grandparents and other adults raising a relative’s child. Includes monthly support groups, resource manual, community referral, and information. AA County Partnership Resource Line for service requests and referrals: 1-800-485-0041 — assistance with all basic needs, including housing, food security, resources for parents and kinship care providers, family navigation, and more.
Senior Activity Centers: 410-222-1818 — educational opportunities, health screenings, recreational activities, and hot lunches for those aged 55 and older.
AACPL (Anne Arundel County Public Library)
Anne Arundel County Public Library: 410-222-7371
AACPL Community Resources online searchable listings
AACPL Social Worker Services: Some library branches offer appointments with social workers for those seeking help with financial assistance, immigration services, substance abuse counseling, and more.
Discoveries Community Pantry: at the Discoveries branch of the library at Westfield Annapolis Mall — open the first Saturday of the month, 10 am – 2 pm, and first Tuesdays, 6 pm – 7 pm. Visit the website for up-to-date hours and information.
Library by Mail: 410-222-6270 — for County residents of all ages who are temporarily or permanently homebound.
General & Wellbeing
2-1-1 Maryland: Dial 211 or visit — free, confidential information and referral to health and human service agencies and nonprofits in Maryland 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in more than 150 languages.
City of Annapolis: 410-263-7997
Community Action Agency of Anne Arundel County: 410-626-1900 — services and programs to assist people living in poverty to achieve self-sufficiency and economic mobility by collaborating with community partners.
Community Alliance of South County — for resources and information available to residents of South County.
Disability Rights Maryland: 410-727-6352
Maryland Legal Aid: 410-972-2700
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988
Wellness House of Annapolis: 410-990-0941 — provides programs, support, education, and services to help individuals and families who have been touched by cancer recover their health and well-being in a home-like environment. Services are free of charge.
YWCA Domestic Violence Program: 410-222-6800
Education & Betterment
Annapolis Family Support Center: 410-269-4478 — empowers families to become self-sufficient through personal achievement, education, and positive parenting. Expectant parents, mothers and/or fathers of children ages 0 to 3, and legal guardians of children 0 to 3.
Anne Arundel Community College: 410-777-2222
Anne Arundel Community College High School Diploma and Adult Basic Skills Programs: 410-777-2901 — for those wishing to enroll in adult basic skills courses, pre-high school diploma classes, or GED and NEDP (National External Diploma Program) programs.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools Evening High School: 410-222-5000 — Anne Arundel Evening High School is an alternative high school instructional program for people under 21 who have not completed their high school education. Students can earn a high school diploma through this program.
Charting Careers: mentoring, education, and family partnership programs for Annapolis youth in elementary, middle, high school, and beyond.
Chesapeake Arts Center: 410-636-6597 — offers affordable and free arts programs to people of all ages and incomes, including arts education classes and workshops. Features exhibit space, maker space, venues, and conference spaces.
Civil Rights Guide Annapolis & Anne Arundel County: To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Visit Annapolis & Anne Arundel County has released a digital flipbook that outlines the local history of the Civil Rights Movement. This online resource introduces 60 Anne Arundel locations — communities, schools, landmarks, and more — connected to our region’s civil rights history.
Maryland Re-Entry Resource Center: 410-429-0107 — offers services to those re-entering communities after incarceration.
OIC of Anne Arundel, Inc. (Opportunities Industrialization Center): 443-951-5645 — Adult education and job readiness service offering free classes in GED Preparation, Introduction to Computer, Microsoft Office Essentials, and English as a Second Language. Virtual and in-person options are available. Spanish and English services.
Seeds 4 Success: 410-533-3847 — offers mentoring and coaching programs that support children from low-income communities in Annapolis from pre-k through post-secondary.
STAIR Annapolis: 443-924-1578 — one-on-one tutoring program for first and second-graders at select schools in Annapolis and surrounding communities.
Employment & Jobs
Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC): 410-424-3240 — employment and career assistance and guidance.
Hispanic and Other Immigrant Communities
Annapolis Immigration Justice Network: 443-203-9175 — nonprofit organization that connects asylum seekers and other immigrants to quality immigration legal counsel and case management support.
Anne Arundel Community College Department of English Language Learning: 410-777-2901 — programs and options for students seeking to learn English for academic, work, or social endeavors.
Center of Help (Centro de Ayuda), Annapolis: 410-295-3434 — resource with array of services for immigrant families in Anne Arundel County.
Citizenship Resource Center — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website for information related to immigration, citizenship preparation materials, N-400 forms, and more.
Office of Multicultural Affairs: 410-222-0319 — engages with multicultural communities in Anne Arundel County to connect, inform, and elevate the county’s diverse voices. Provides family preparedness guidance for immigrant families.
OHLA (Organization of Hispanic Latin Americans of Anne Arundel County): 410-269-4421 — provides services in Spanish, including social services, legal services, immigrant services, health care, workshops and training, workforce and business development, and culture and community.
Path to Hope: 443-203-8020 — a ministry of Downtown Hope based in Annapolis, Maryland, provides access to quality, low-cost and pro bono legal services for immigrants and refugees in Annapolis.
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Maryland, Centro Hispano de Negocios: 240-828-5218 — free business consulting and workshops for entrepreneurs in Spanish.
Income, Essentials, & Food Assistance
Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services: 410-269-4500 or 800-332-6347
Anne Arundel County Food Access Warmline: 410-222-FOOD (3663) — call to find food resources that meet your needs.
Anne Arundel County Food and Resource Bank: 410-923-4255
Anne Arundel County Food Bank Pantry Map
Asbury Church Assistance Network (ACAN): 410-647-7667 — healthy food aid and distribution in Severna Park.
Hope for All: 410-766-0372 — provides furniture, household items, and clothing to people in need. Offers the essentials necessary to create a healthy home.
North County Emergency Outreach Network (NCEON): 510-766-1826 — assists with court-ordered evictions, utility shut-off notices, medication, food, and other emergency situations.
Partnership for Children, Youth, and Families Basic Needs Warmline: 800-485-0041
Salvation Army: 410-263-4091 and 410-768-0744 — Annapolis and Glen Burnie serve all of Anne Arundel County.
SPAN, Serving People Across All Neighborhoods: 410-647-0889 — Emergency assistance for court-ordered evictions, utility shutoff, and medications. Food pantry is available.
South County Assistance Network (SCAN): Provides emergency food.
Anne Arundel County Transportation Assistance: 410-222-4257 — provides transportation to seniors and adults with disabilities. Taxi voucher program available for coupons for discounted taxi service within the county.
Department of Health Medical Assistance Transportation: 410-222-7152 — transportation for people with Medical Assistance who have no other means of transportation.
Annapolis Transportation Department: 410-263-7964 — City of Annapolis bus, free shuttle, and paratransit information.
MTA People with Disabilities and Seniors Fare Program: 410-767-3438 — People with disabilities and seniors age 65+ can use the bus, light rail, Metro, and MARC train at reduced cost.
MTA Mobility and Para-transit: 410-764-8181 — door-to-door shared ride service for people with disabilities who are not able to ride fixed-route transit.
MTA Call A Ride: 410-664-2030 — on-demand taxi/sedan service that provides increased independence for people with disabilities. Customers must meet eligibility requirements.
Partners in Care Mobility Bus and Ride Partners : 410-544-4800 — affordable bus transportation service for community members and occasional rides with volunteers to appointments or errands for adults over 50.
South County Call N’ Ride Service: 410-222-0025 — offers door-to-door service, 7 am until 7 pm. Call two hours in advance to arrange pick-up.