AACLC Offers New Hi-Lo Readers for Adult Students

September 19, 2023

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This summer, the Literacy Council acquired a range of hi-lo reading books for our adult students. Original, unabridged works by best-selling authors and gifted writers, they are designed to help new readers find pleasure in reading.

Online tools are available for some of the books to enhance the learning experience and stimulate discussion.

So that tutors can also read the books, we have two copies of each title. These books are available for loan to you and your student!

Please contact Jane to request a book.

We have the following titles and plan to order more if we receive positive reviews from students and tutors.

Levels indicate the grade level for the book. Level 4.5 is about halfway through the 4th-grade level, equivalent to at least halfway through Laubach 4. If your student is using Laubach 3 materials, he or she may enjoy a level 2 – 3.5 book.

The Cell Phone Lot

level 2.9

Online tools: Audio, Reading Guide

The Night Telephone

level 2.9


level 3.1

Online tool: Audio

Key City on the River

level 3.2

Online tools: Audio, Lesson Plan

The Orchard

level 3.5

Online tool: Lesson Plan

Forever and Ever

level 3.6

Online tool: Reading Guide

American Lion

level 4.5

Online tools: Audio, Snap Reads*, Reading Guide.

Please visit the New Readers Press website to see more Gemma titles. If there’s something you think your student would enjoy, let us know!

Snap Reads are short excerpts adapted from a book. They are written at the first-grade level and are quick reads to introduce new readers to the underlying story in five simple installments.

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