Student Success: Gwendolyn Brown

November 25, 2019

Post image for Student Success: Gwendolyn Brown
Tutor Mary Anne Stoner and Gwendolyn Brown


In an earlier post we introduced you to student Gwendolyn Brown. Gwendolyn, with the help of her tutor Mary Anne Stoner, had just gotten her driver’s license and was looking forward to new opportunities. Wow, has she blossomed!

As she continues to meet with Mary Anne Stoner to improve her own reading and writing skills, Gwen has taken on a new career that is near and dear to her heart. She is involved in an Anne Arundel County program that mentors middle and high school at-risk girls. As part of this program, Gwen took training and received certificates in Life-Skills Training sponsored by the University of Maryland (shown above) and has completed a course in leadership on Strengthening Families.

Gwen works with the girls during their school day as well as in an after-school program. On Saturdays, she also works in Brooklyn Park at a clubhouse that provides food, activities but most importantly, a safe place for these girls to spend their time. Gwen empathizes with the girls and is in their corner when life gets tough.

We are so proud of you Gwendolyn!

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