We are so proud of our students and their tutors for the remarkable milestones they’ve achieved this summer.
- 4 students passed the GED exam.
- 1 student qualified for entry into the National External Degree program.
- 2 students enrolled in AACC classes.
- 1 student registered to vote.
- 25 students advanced a level in their curriculum series.
- 1 student was promoted to sergeant at his security job.
- 1 student was able to read a menu and comparison shop for the first time!
- Several students obtained library cards and checked out books for their children for the first time.
- 1 student passed his driver license exam.
Student testimony:
Comment from student Johnetta Jones to her tutor Pete Schanck: “I want to thank you for your help and encouragement. Not just with math, but with everything. I have confidence in myself again and know that I can do anything I set my mind to.”