Meet Tony, our new Student Representative on the AACLC Executive Board, pictured above with his wife Elizabeth (right) and Tutor JoAnne Dement (left).
Tony has been married for 22 years and has two sons, Nicholas and Daniel. He has been employed for the past 13 years at University of Maryland University College (UMUC) as a utility mechanic working on boilers, pumps, electrical matters and plumbing problems. Tony joined the AACLC literacy program to improve his reading skills in order to advance at work.
Says his tutor JoAnne Dement, “Tony and I have been working together for just over three months. During this time I am not sure who has learned more. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the discussions we have about the magazines, books, and lessons we read together. We are also incorporating technology into our tutoring.” Tony has previously been tutored by AACLC tutors Charlie Catlett and Don Cully.