Above: Nancy White’s Special Needs Workshop
We will be having informal tutor workshop opportunities throughout 2014. Nancy White led a wonderful workshop for tutors with Special Needs students in January, and Larry Smith has a math workshop coming up on February 18th.
Has your student requested help with math? If the answer is “yes”, then this is the workshop you have been waiting for! Come to Panera Bread in Edgewater on Tuesday, February 18th, from 7:00-8:30 pm, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and learn about new ways to teach math. Larry Smith will show you the math resources that we now have available, help you select the appropriate workbook for your student, and will even demonstrate how to teach division. Seating is limited, so please RSVP to programdirector@aaclc.org or call 410-269-4419 if you plan to attend.
Larry graduated from Loyola University in Chicago, and over the course of his 35-year career taught elementary through high school math, as well as other subjects. Larry was also a part-time instructor at Sylvan Learning Center and Huntington Center, and has volunteered as a math and basic literacy tutor with both the Prince George’s County Literacy Council and the AACLC.