Saturday, September 15th, 10AM to 4PM at Barnes & Noble in Annapolis
Come help us celebrate AACLC’s 35th anniversary!
Simply mention AACLC at the checkout counter on September 15th and our organization will receive up to 15% of the proceeds from all sales of books, Nooks, magazines, music, toys, and café items. Last year, purchases totaling $4,000 resulted in a generous contribution of $650 from Barnes & Noble, and this year we’re aiming even higher.
With 30 new tutor-student matches being launched this fall, our needs are growing: Let’s see if we can spur more than $5,000 in sales! We’ll also receive 10% of any online purchases made during the week of Sept. 15-19, so all you armchair shoppers have to do is type in Book Fair ID# 10823003 before you make that final mouse click!
Flyers are now available to post in your workplace, neighborhood or on your community bulletin board highlighting the event and scheduled activities. Please send me an email if you are willing to print and post a flyer or two! I will send it to you in an email attachment.
Look for updates about the Book Fair on our Facebook page! Event will be at Barnes & Noble, Annapolis (2516 Solomon’s Island Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401)
We are looking forward to a great turn out!
Stevie Donahue,
Five local author book signings throughout the store from 1-3PM:
- Angelique Clarke, Boomer Explores Annapolis (Children’s book)Rob Ballister, God Does Have a Sense of Humor (Military)
- Mike Carter and Julia Dyer, Haunted Annapolis (Local Interest)
- Raymond McAlwee, Chesapeake Bay Stories (Local Interest)
- Marc Waldman, Mighty Mac (Teen)
We will also be giving away hourly prize drawings:
- Gift cards for Barnes & Noble
- Movie Tickets for Bowtie Cinemas
- Starbucks Deluxe Gift Baskets
- Gift Cards for Harbor Center Stores
Look for updates about the Book Fair on our Facebook page!
Plan to attend – and bring a friend!
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