Eye on Annapolis - Local Business Spotlight AACLC

The Eye On Annapolis Local Business Spotlight podcast featured the Literacy Council in November. Listen to the interview and share with anyone who wants to know about our work and how to support the AACLC and our students and tutors. The podcast is available at the link below and on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRADIO, TuneIn, and Amazon/Alexa. https://www.eyeonannapolis.net/2024/11/local-business-spotlight-anne-arundel-county-literacy-council/

New Facebook Group

December 17, 2024

AACLC Tutors Facebook Group

New Facebook Group for Tutors Launched

The Literacy Council has started a Facebook Group for AACLC Tutors to share ideas, resources, and solutions.

The group is titled “AACLC Tutors.” Tutors are invited to search for it on Facebook and ask to join. The group is moderated by AACLC staff and volunteers. This is a private group, and there are ground rules about privacy and courtesy. For more information, look us up on Facebook.

The Literacy Council will continue its informational, public Facebook page at facebook.com/AACLC.

Libraries Offer Opportunities

December 17, 2024

Libraries Offer Opportunities for Social & Civic Connection

Every week, our tutors and students meet for lessons at local public libraries. Here’s an interview with author and former librarian Shamichael Hallman that affirms what we already know: libraries are convenient places to connect, learn, and access various services, including our tutoring programs. Mr. Hallman recently published “Meet Me at the Library,” a book about how public libraries are our best hope for social and civic connection. “Meet Me at the Library” is available to borrow at aacpl.net.

Earn a High School Diploma

December 17, 2024

We're accepting new students! Refer a local adult to our FREE literacy, ESL, math, or diploma programs. Call 410-269-4419 or email director@aaclc.org.

Earning a High School Diploma with the Literacy Council

The Literacy Council is accepting new students and can help Anne Arundel County residents pursue a diploma through the GED or the NEDP. Please refer prospective students to our website at icanread.org or to our voicemail line at 410-269-4419.

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Toy Drive! Monday, December 23rd will be the last day to donate

Donate Toys for Annapolis Children

Literacy Council partner in Annapolis, Small City Big Dreams, founded and run by Lovell Offer, is holding a toy drive this holiday. New toys for children ten and under will be distributed to low-income families in Annapolis neighborhoods.

Contact Lovell at 443-979-2640 to arrange collection of donated toys or gift cards. The drive ends on December 23.

Small City Big Dreams (SCBD) is a nonprofit that provides vital resources to low-income communities in Annapolis. For more information about the organization, visit SCBD on Facebook.

Lovell Offer celebrated graduation at AACC in November with his tutor Paul Baker and Paul's wife Pat (also a Literacy Council tutor).

While Tirelessly Serving the Community, Lovell Fulfills a Promise to Himself

Literacy Council student Lovell Offer walked the stage at Anne Arundel Community College’s 26th Maryland High School Diploma Graduation Ceremony on November 13. It was a moment that was decades in the making. “Through me trying to help other people, I ended up helping myself,” he said of his accomplishment.

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Post image for Adult Literacy Resources Dec. 2024

Adult Literacy Resources and Activities December 2024

Crofton Library Closure

Crofton Library will be closed from Monday, November 18, through Sunday, December 29, for facility improvements.

AACLC’s English Conversation Group in Eastport

Friday, December 13, 5 pm – 7 pm
Seeds 4 Success office

The group is most suited to Spanish speakers, and space is limited to 15 people. The evening features a welcoming atmosphere, enjoyable conversation, games, and light refreshments. Literacy Council tutors or students should email Wendy if they plan to attend. [click to continue…]

Post image for Director’s Message December 2024

Thank you for all you did this year as a Literacy Council volunteer or supporter. You have contributed to our impact in Anne Arundel County.

This fiscal year, we expect to donate more than 16,000 volunteer hours. Translated to a simple monetary value, this is an investment of over $525,000 in local communities.

By May 31, we will have served more than 200 adult learners, including people at both county detention centers in Annapolis and Glen Burnie. Thank you for your part in this collective effort!

Let’s keep up the good work! We have scheduled a new tutor training session for Saturday, February 15 — please consider referring a friend.

Thank you for your support on #GivingTuesday and throughout our annual membership campaign. If you haven’t submitted your AACLC membership donation yet and would like to, you can donate on the AACLC website or by mailing a check.

Happy Holidays,


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Giving Tuesday

November 25, 2024

Giving Tuesday

December 3, 2024

Please remember the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council on #GIVINGTUESDAY. 

If you haven’t submitted your AACLC Membership donation and would like to, this is a great opportunity.

You can give through

AACLC’s icanread.org donate page


by check.

mail to: AACLC, P.O. Box 1303, Edgewater, MD 21037

ProLiteracy Resources

November 22, 2024

Check Out ProLiteracy’s YouTube Channel

For easy access to ProLiteracy training and instructional webinars, visit ProLiteracy’s YouTube Channel, where you can watch at your convenience. The YouTube Channel offers videos on all subject areas…

  • Using phonics to improve reading and engagement regardless of student reading level.
  • Developing vocabulary: effective strategies for adult English learners.
  • How to write a great GED extended response.
  • Landing the job: preparing learners for applying and interviewing.
  • And much more!