Robert Smith
Robert Advances Toward an Associate’s Degree at AACC
His tutor shares about her student’s perseverance and success.
“Five years ago, Robert Smith began his journey with the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council. With the help and encouragement of the staff and tutors at AACLC together with his hard work and dogged determination, he accomplished more than he ever thought possible. Rob has completed his English and Math requirements at Anne Arundel Community College and has acquired half of the credits for an associate’s degree.
“Rob is especially grateful to his tutors, Barbara, Janet, and Evie, who were instrumental in his success. He feels blessed to have had wonderful professors at AACC. He is so appreciative of the help and encouragement he received from the Student Achievement and Success Program at the college.
“Rob told me that he feels better as a human being and can’t thank everyone enough. As his math tutor for four years, I found the experience of working with Rob, seeing his progress, and the perseverance he demonstrated, one of the most rewarding of my teaching career. Can you believe he passed Statistics, taking it online during the pandemic and getting help from me over the phone?
“I know all of us who have worked with Rob are so proud of him and are grateful to have been part of his journey.”
Evie Robbins,