Student Souzan Alasafar
Mary Anne uses cell phone videos to provide “in-person” tutoring
ESL Tutor Mary Anne Stoner has continued working with her student, Souzan Alasafar, throughout the pandemic. They are using lessons and worksheets so that Souzan may improve her English comprehension, vocabulary, and speaking skills.
Every week, Mary Anne delivers a “homework folder” filled with printed readings and worksheets to Souzan’s doorstep. Souzan reads the materials and completes the worksheets.
Mary Anne picks up the finished homework, reviews, and marks it up, making corrections. She writes up a list of any words that Souzan struggled with, keeps a copy of everything for herself, and returns the corrected work to Souzan.
Once Souzan has the corrected materials in hand, Mary Anne sends Souzan a short review video filmed on a cell phone. In the video, Mary Anne goes over the parts of the homework that Souzan found most challenging, sounding out words clearly and sometimes explaining the meanings of new vocabulary or American idioms. The videos are only a few minutes in length, but they are rich with instruction and provide a modified “in-person” experience.
Mary Anne is also tutoring Souzan’s husband, Wardan. He is currently overseas, and he stays in touch with Mary Anne by email. He watches her short instructional videos too.
Mary Anne and Bob Stoner have been AACLC ESL tutors since 2016. Serving as the Literacy Council’s ESL Training and Resource Team, the Stoner’s manage our ESL curriculum and materials. They provide training to new ESL tutors at our training workshops.