Student Success: Jessica Fumando

July 17, 2019

Post image for Student Success: Jessica Fumando

AACLC GED student Jessica Fumando

“Receiving my high school diploma means I can go to college and receive a degree in social work. With this type of degree, I will be capable of helping children in the foster care system. I was once a child in this system and want to help out as many children as I can. I was told growing up that I would never amount to anything. I want to be a positive influence for as many people as I can. If I can do it so can you.

It took dedication and hard work on my part, but I couldn’t have done it without the support of my tutor John Carley. John and I met twice a week – rain, shine or snow for 2 years. John was patient with me, even when I wasn’t patient with myself. He taught me tricks to remember things, was always positive, and reinforced that “Yes, I can do this”, and he was right! Without John, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish this goal of earning my high school diploma that I had for so many years.

School was always a struggle for me. I had a hard time paying attention, staying focused, and retaining information but I always wanted to learn. I couldn’t understand why I was having such a hard time. When I got older I realized I had learning differences that caused me to struggle with these things. Don’t allow a disability or let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. You can do anything you set your mind to with work and dedication.”


AACLC student Jess Fumando

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