Each month AACLC tutors submit volunteer hours and student progress reports. Here is a sampling of those reports drawn from November submissions:
• Nicole has recently passed all but the writing and math portions of the GED!
• Joy is very close to finishing the material critical to passing the NEDP entrance exam.
• In October Ken shared with his son and daughter-in-law that he is unable to read and told them about being tutored. He said they were very proud of him! Neither his family nor friends knew about his lack of literacy skills. Until his wife’s death 4 years ago he relied on her to handle all his paperwork. She went to doctor visits with him and took care of all the forms. She was also responsible for all the paperwork for his business. Basically, she was his reader and writer. We are meeting twice a week for lessons. Ken is making progress with his reading and writing each week and even went ahead in the workbook when we missed a session. He is a hard-working student and we are both proud of his progress.
• Jessica passed her GED math test this month!
• Daiquill often asks if we can have more sessions per week and is getting more and more motivated to read and learn. He now gets that reading is a key to his future. We have finished Frankenstein and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea which are 2 more than he read in the last 20 years. We have moved on to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Daiquell is quickly engrossed in the story. Despite the story being a continent away and a century in the past, he’s into it. I praise him each session for improvement in reading speed and accuracy. Last session, I reminded him that when we first met, he acknowledged that reading bored him and put him to sleep! He has made great progress in his reading comprehension and confidence.
• Only one more book to go for Ida to finish the Algebra curriculum! Things are going well.
• Wilfredo is such a pleasure to work with, even when he comes to class after what I know is a very long day of tree work. He has completed Laubach LWE 1 and is becoming much more talkative and feeling better about going into stores and speaking in English.
• Maria is working to take the citizenship test in 2019.
• Gary completed Sounder – the first book he’s ever read! We have also gone through medical information pertaining to medications, appointments, and a discharge summary. Gary also met a goal to sing a solo with his church choir. Now, if he forgets the lyrics, he can read the lyrics rather than having to memorize the entire song.
• Michele is completing a review for the Math GED Practice Test.
• Nelsy is working through comprehension and vocabulary activities. She is doing well and making progress.