Happy Valentines Day!
Throughout the next two weeks, you’ll be able to read posts about three of our tutor/student matches. Each of these students helps to illustrate “why we do what we do” at the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council.
2017 is the Council’s 40th anniversary serving Anne Arundel County! Our nonprofit began in 1977 with six very strong, visionary Glen Burnie women who saw the need for county adults to have free access to literacy instruction.
Since that time, thousands of low-income adults and out-of-school youth have received free, convenient, and individualized reading, writing, and now math and speaking English instruction. There is no charge to the student for books, tutoring, or assessments, and students and tutors can meet in any public location for lessons, including at all 15 county libraries.
Last year alone, 240 trained volunteers donated 12,650 hours to support 195 adults as they improved their literacy and math skills. Goals achieved include attaining jobs, GEDs, successful entry into AACC’s Adult Basic Skills program, and improving the quality of life for themselves and their families.

Lisa Vernon, Executive Director
Anne Arundel County Literacy Council
301-523-6750 (cell)