Great Give Donations Will Be Doubled: May 7-8, 2014!

May 4, 2014

Greatgiveaac2014-site-logoTell your friends…Tell your family…Mark your calendars!

We need your help.  The Great Give, a 24-hour online fundraiser to benefit local nonprofits, begins this Wednesday on May 7th at 6 PM and ends 24 hours later at 6 PM on Thursday, May 8th.

Make Your Great Give Donation by clicking the Donate Button here on May 7th and 8th.


AACLC Tutor and StudentEvery donation of $10 or more will be matched!

Our AACLC Board President Bob Caspar will match every donation made to AACLC up to $3,500. Bob’s extraordinary generosity will double your donation!

$90,000 in prizes will be awarded, including $10,000 for the Small Nonprofit raising the Most Dollars, or $10,000 for the Small Nonprofit with the Most Donors.

Your support on these two days qualifies us for prizes

Miguel-CharlieCatlett_300With your support, the AACLC can continue expanding our free literacy program throughout Anne Arundel County.

 Tell your friends…Tell your family…Mark your calendars. Every donation of $10 or more counts!

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