Tell your friends…Tell your family…Mark your calendars!
We need your help. The Great Give, a 24-hour online fundraiser to benefit local nonprofits, begins this Wednesday on May 7th at 6 PM and ends 24 hours later at 6 PM on Thursday, May 8th.
Make Your Great Give Donation by clicking the Donate Button here on May 7th and 8th.
Every donation of $10 or more will be matched!
Our AACLC Board President Bob Caspar will match every donation made to AACLC up to $3,500. Bob’s extraordinary generosity will double your donation!
$90,000 in prizes will be awarded, including $10,000 for the Small Nonprofit raising the Most Dollars, or $10,000 for the Small Nonprofit with the Most Donors.
Your support on these two days qualifies us for prizes
With your support, the AACLC can continue expanding our free literacy program throughout Anne Arundel County.
Tell your friends…Tell your family…Mark your calendars. Every donation of $10 or more counts!