Program Committee Chairwoman: The Rev. Nancy White
Nancy comes from a background of 33 years in public education in both Anne Arundel and Prince George’s County Public Schools. During this time, she served as music teacher, teacher of the deaf/hard-of-hearing and special education administrator and supervisor. Nancy also served on numerous special task forces and commissions at the local, state and national levels and was an active member of several professional organizations. Nancy has taught at both undergraduate and graduate levels at local post-secondary programs. She is a published author in the field, has served as an educational consultant on both state and national levels, and also served as a consultant to the Mister Rogers Neighborhood television program.
In 2001, Nancy was ordained as a Deacon in the Episcopal Church. Since that time she has served as Deacon, Youth Minister, and Assistant to the Rector at various churches in the area. Highlights include leading teams to an orphanage and school in Honduras, El Hogar de Amor y Esperanza, to provide educational seminars for the teachers and staff. She also served two terms as a member of the Advisory Board for El Hogar. Another special ministry was a two-part International Youth Exchange.
We’re so glad to have you on our board, Nancy!