AACLC Receives J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines 50th Anniversary Gift

Student Coordinator Maggie Kerchner; Board Members Michael Keller, Caroline Cañas, Michael Green, and Catie Comer; Jane Seiss; Isabel Brennan (J. Lohr); Anne Arundel County Community Engagement Officer Tiyana Parker; and Discoveries Library Manager Rachel Myers (left to right).
J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines selected the Literacy Council to receive one of fifty $5,000 donations it made to one charity in each state in 2024. The awards marked J. Lohr’s fiftieth anniversary. AACLC was honored to be chosen from among countless Maryland organizations for this generous gift. Our mission to tutor and uplift adults in our communities resonated with J. Lohr’s selection team.
Isabel Brennan, J. Lohr Area Manager, joined us at the book fair to learn more about our work and present the company’s donation.