Sally Barton Joins Our Staff

September 20, 2024

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With a background in Secondary Math Education and experience as a math teacher and volunteer tutor for many years in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, Sally Barton joins our staff as the AACLC’s Coordinator of Math and High School Equivalency Programs. Sally lived in Pennsylvania with her husband and raised two daughters there.

After moving to Annapolis in the summer of 2021, Sally worked as a substitute teacher and was happy to find a volunteer tutor opportunity at the AACLC. She worked with a math student. This summer, Sally joined the staff and looks forward to helping math and high school equivalency students and tutors successfully work together as they progress toward student goals.

In addition to enjoying volunteering with the AACLC, Sally has fun babysitting her grandson, helping out with students at Seeds4Success, puttering in the garden, and sailing with her husband.

Welcome, Sally! Thank you for volunteering with us.

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