Are you interested in free math, reading, or GED prep help? If so, please check out our Literacy Library: Tutor Tools & Resources page on AACLC’s icanread.org website this summer. You can also explore an array of topics such as beginning graphic design, Excel spreadsheet tutorials, online money tips, free typing tutorials, and fun math games. Here is a small sample of the interesting sites shared on our AACLC Resources page:
GED Teaching Resources This is an excellent link providing resources for GED tutors.
BBC’s Skillswise Math Games Improve your math skills by playing fun math games for adults from BBC’s Skillswise website.
Crossword Puzzlemaker A project of The Internet TESL Journal. Online crossword puzzle site allows you to create puzzles in 6 levels, and it’s very easy to use!
GCF LearnFree.org/ Goodwill Community Foundation is user-friendly for self-paced learning modules on computer skills, basic literacy, ESL, Math, money, and more.
Khan Academy Khan Academy’s mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere.Tutors can link with their learners (through G-mail) to see what has been mastered and what the learner is “stuck” on.