Rosalyn and tutor Lynette Delprete
Recently Rosalyn and I agreed that each of us would write a paragraph in our journals during the week and then share it with one another when we meet on Wednesdays.
Because so much of our tutoring time is spent correcting grammar and GED related exercises – not typically “fun” stuff, I wanted her to see that writing can be fun. There are no rules to this journal writing except that we are to write about ANYTHING that comes to mind, and we are not to worry about grammar, punctuation, capitalization and the like for this assignment.
Well, as you can see, for her FIRST week, she wrote a beautiful paragraph about her dreams of a high school diploma and her doubts about fulfilling that dream. I love the analogy comparing her journey to that of mothering a baby. With Rosalyn’s permission, I am sharing this assignment with you: