Team Tutoring

February 15, 2016

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Tutors Perinaaz Gandhi and Susann Felton

Perinaaz Gandhi and Susann Felton are two remarkable women who exemplify the talent and dedication of our Literacy Council volunteer tutors. Perinaaz is a PhD scientist and Susann is a recently retired MBA executive. They both enrolled in our Fall 2014 tutor training, then began tutoring for the Council in January 2015 as part of our out-of-school Youth Health Works program.

The 19 youth in this program were seeking their GED’s, which required reading, writing, math, social studies and science instruction from the 35 tutors who volunteered for this project. Both Perinaaz and Susann poured themselves into helping these youth, volunteering for up to 4 afternoons a week from January through June.

Since last June they have each tutored students of all ages, volunteering wherever there is a need. In July they began team tutoring an out-of-school youth seeking his GED, with Perinaaz teaching science and Susann teaching math. They collaborate on their tutoring sessions through case notes and weekly conference calls to assure that their lessons are mutually supportive, and even substitute for each other when conflicts arise to maintain continuity.

Team tutoring is one example of how our extraordinary tutors and the Literacy Council are meeting the literacy needs for Anne Arundel County out-of-school youth and adults.


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