Helping Students Achieve Their Goals: Angelica & Cindy

December 1, 2013

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I walked into the Head Start Building in Shady Side one day last August and met my new student for the first time.  Angelica, a young wife and mother of two preschool children, has set herself an ambitious goal: She wants to  become a medical assistant. Improving her reading and writing skills and eventually obtaining her GED are steps she has to master along the way and she’s eager to work with me. We’ve just completed Laubach 3, and Angelica was really excited to receive her certificate. She is such a pleasure to teach, and is not afraid of asking questions, which makes my job easy.

I wanted to volunteer for the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council to make a positive difference in another person’s life. This experience has made it clear that there is no limit to what a motivated person can accomplish. I am very fortunate to be able to help Angelica, and am inspired by her enthusiasm for learning.


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