Literacy Council Needs Creative Volunteers!

May 7, 2013

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A message from Jill York

Board members bore (oops – board!), leaders lead, tutors “tut”, grant experts write. I think it is time for a new group of volunteers to take on tasks that need doing but require a different set of skills and interests. We’re looking for people to:

  • create, organize and oversee both volunteer recognition and community events
  • possibly look for potential places to spread the word and make it happen
  • recruit organizations to donate money, food, publicity, and create corporate sponsorships
  • assure that such events are adequately staffed, oversee logistics, and assure that necessary materials are available

Frankly, I think it could be a lot of fun, a fantastic learning experience, and, most importantly, a great opportunity to promote literacy. Getting involved this way would also be a perfect opportunity for HS students to fulfill their community service obligations.

Hope we can make this happen. If interested, please contact me at:

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