Hello Tutors,
Our lending library of books for tutors is up and running!
We hope you will stop by the AACLC office, browse the selections for teaching reading, and check out materials appropriate to use with your
student. Each book has a checkout card so we can track the books in use.
The office is located in Annapolis, at 80 West St., on the northwest corner of West and Calvert St. There is on street parking, as well
as a garage nearby.
The AACLC’s small office, which contains the book shelves, is located on the first floor. The Dept. of Social Services receptionist can point you to the corner office.
- Please sign your name and date on the checkout card for every item you are borrowing. There is a wooden box in which you may leave the cards.
- When you return the books, please do not return them to the shelf. We need to check the books in. Leave them in the box specified for that purpose.
- There are supplemental materials which do not have check cards.
Please feel free to use those, as needed, and return them later.
Much of our materials are from New Readers Press, and you can peruse some of the materials at http://www.newreaderspress.