AACLC ESL Student Promoted

January 22, 2025

William Jerez holds his achievement award from Chesapeake Electric.

Congratulations to William Jerez, an AACLC ESL student who was recently promoted from Senior Apprentice to Technician at Chesapeake Electric, a full-service electric company in Annapolis. Prior to his promotion, he was also recognized as “Apprentice of the Year.”

William began working at the company nearly two years ago. Since then, he has been in an apprenticeship program learning skills he will need as an electrician such as installing electrical devices, upgrading electrical systems, and troubleshooting problems.

“This promotion is important to me because it shows how much effort I am putting into the trade. I wanted to be a technician and start doing projects by myself. By applying myself in the apprenticeship program, I improved quickly, becoming a technician in under two years. My next goal is to get my journeyman’s license in the State of Maryland,” said William.

Along with his full-time job and apprenticeship training, William is committed to improving his English writing and speaking skills so he can communicate better. He has been working with AACLC tutor Leanne Boyer for a little over a year to achieve his goals.

“William is a go-getter,” says his tutor. “He works incredibly hard to improve his knowledge and skills in English and in other areas of his life.”

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