After much deliberation, I have decided to turn over my executive director duties to Jane Seiss on September 16th. Jane is a journalist by trade, an excellent communicator, and is well known and loved by all of you in her current role as tutor coordinator. She has integrity, passion for our cause, and deep knowledge of the workings of our program. The Literacy Council will be well cared for with her leadership.
I have also identified a tutor coordinator to take Jane’s place. Her name is Diana Larmore, and she is interested in working with Jane to write and submit grants, which will be very helpful!
Tom and I will miss you, both as friends and as colleagues. Your passion for improving adult literacy in our community, your outstanding support for our students and tutors, and your generous sharing of time, talents, and funds have helped to bring us to where we are today.
Since I began serving as executive director in 2012, we have successfully expanded our services beyond basic literacy to now include math, GED, NEDP, ESL, and ASVAB instruction. The number of students served has also expanded from 27 in 2011, to 390 this past year. This would not be possible without the tremendous skills/talents, hard work, dedication, and support from supporters such as you, our volunteers, staff, and our outstanding AACLC executive board of directors. Also, during this time, my husband Tom has served on the board and worked tirelessly by my side to expand our free adult literacy and math services in Anne Arundel County.
Thank you for improving so many lives through literacy (and math!) these past 8 years. Tom and I have been blessed by each one of you. We will miss you and hope you will stay in touch by email (lisavernon39@gmail.com), by cell phone (301-523-6750), and/or by connecting with me through LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/
In friendship,
Lisa Vernon, executive director
Anne Arundel County Literacy Council
301-523-6750 (cell)