Literacy is Empowerment: Spotlight on Tutor Stan Milesky

June 22, 2020

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Stan Milesky and his student Ulysees lifelong friendship and learning bonds were formed twenty years ago and remain strong today. “Ulysees and I are good friends and still read together – twenty years this month. He is about to move back to South Carolina and we will continue to correspond via Zoom.”

In addition to tutoring, Stan served on the Anne Arundel Literacy Council’s Executive Board as President and Vice-President for 10 years and has enthusiastically supported the Council’s work for the past 2 decades.

“The memories of my association with the Council are among the things in my life that continue to give me joy and inspire me to continue to find a way to help. The ability to read is the starting point for engagement with our larger world. It is mind-boggling to me that so many people among us are unable to read at all, or are effectively illiterate and unable to grow, explore, and take advantage of the wondrous things our world and our time has to offer; to their own best advantage and as they otherwise might. Literacy is empowerment.”

To read more about Ulysses and his story, CLICK HERE.

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