As we near Thanksgiving, we want to thank you for helping 223 low-income county adults receive free and individualized reading, writing, math, and English instruction this year. By improving their skills they are gaining jobs, better-paying jobs, acceptance into Anne Arundel Community College’s adult Basic skills classes, GED’s, and an improved quality of life. Your caring, kindness, and generosity made this happen!
Please take a moment to “meet” several of these students and tutor John Carley in this newsletter. Their passion and determination to succeed is inspirational and beautifully illustrates why we do what we do at the Literacy Council.
Also, we have exciting news. AACLC Executive Board member Debby Turner is pledging to match the first $2,500 in online donations on #GivingTuesday, allowing you to double your donation on November 28th. Thank you, Debby!
Kind regards,

Lisa Vernon, Executive Director
Anne Arundel County Literacy Council
301-523-6750 (cell)