Mark Your Calendar
Saturday, February 4, 2017 at 9 a.m.
Occasionally, tutors will tell us something like this:
- My student can learn a word on one page, then forgets it by the time we get to the next page.
- I don’t feel like we are making progress.
- The phonics-based Laubach materials don’t seem to be working with my student.
If these sentiments sound familiar to you, then you may be interested in attending our Tutor Roundtable on February 4, 2017 at 9 a.m.
Barbara Colacicco, a Literacy Council tutor and new member of our Board of Directors, is an educator with a lifetime of experience and specialized training in helping challenging students. She will be there to discuss individual issues and brainstorm on teaching techniques and materials that might be helpful for your student.
If you are interested in attending, please respond to Anita Ewing at ewing400@gmail.com or leave a message at the office 410-269-4419 and we will notify you of more details after the holidays.