Thank you for Supporting Local Adult Literacy in 2023!Our September 30 fundraiser book fair was a success! More than 40 volunteers made the event possible, and almost 70 households, neighborhoods, and other groups donated books. Anne Arundel County loves to read! We sold thousands of books to local bibliophiles, raising much-needed funds for our free adult tutoring programs. This year, County Executive Steuart Pittman, Councilwoman Lisa Rodvien, Westfield Assistant Manager Jennifer Ernest, and Discoveries Library Manager Rachel Myers joined us. They were welcomed by Literacy Council volunteers and AACLC high school diploma graduate Jessica Whitehead. After the event, we donate the remaining books. This year, they will go to Books for International Goodwill, local children, D.C. Books to Prisons, and the library at Jennifer Road Detention Center. Thank you for supporting our book fair and local adult tutoring programs! Our third-annual fundraiser BOOK FAIR was held on Saturday, September 30, at Westfield Annapolis Mall. Many thanks to the mall for donating its Community Room and Crate & Barrel Court space for this fun event. Discoveries: The Library at the Mall partnered with us, and Chic fil A Annapolis Mall surprised our volunteers with a generous free lunch.
The community came out in huge support! We sold hundreds of books in a wide variety of genres, fiction and nonfiction.
Our raffles were a hit — thank you to our in-kind donors who made five wonderful gift baskets possible. The money we raised means we can help low-income adults pursue their goals in literacy, math, diploma studies, ESL learning, and more. Our students receive free assessments, tutoring, and materials to help them achieve their educational goals. A tremendous team effort and lots of community support made this event a success! More than 40 volunteers prepared for and put on the book fair; 70+ households, neighborhoods, and other groups donated books; and 16 sponsors or in-kind donors supported us. Thank you! Thank you to County Executive Steuart Pittman and Councilwoman Lisa Rodvien for joining us at the book fair. See our latest news! Check out our Instagram for updates on our work in Anne Arundel County and announcements of upcoming volunteer opportunities and events.
Our SponsorsMany thanks to the sponsors supporting the book fair and our free tutoring programs for adults in Anne Arundel County! A special shout-out to Discoveries: The Library at the Mall and its wonderful staff for their support for a third year. Silver SponsorBronze Sponsors |