Student Spotlight: Jessica Whitehead

January 22, 2018

Post image for Student Spotlight: Jessica Whitehead

Jessica Whitehead and her tutor John Wetzel


Jessica Whitehead was born in Bogalusa, Louisiana in the early 1960s and had little formal education, completing only the first grade. She was part of a very large family, which included four brothers and six sisters.  Her grandmother, with whom she lived for a time, lacked any indoor plumbing facilities.

Jessica’s life as an adult has also been marked by major challenges, including residence in a homeless shelter for a period.

Student Jessica

Jessica Whitehead

Notwithstanding all of the bumps in the road she has faced, Jessica remains determined to learn to read and write effectively.  Her ultimate goal is to achieve her high school diploma and then to walk across the stage to the cheers of her family and friends.

CLICK HERE to read whole story.

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