Tutor Spotlight: Lee Wachter

May 28, 2014

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Lee Wachter has a Masters degree in English from UV and has taught English for over 25 years in both public and private schools. She is now “following her bliss” as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor in Zumba, and specializes in working with seniors and individuals who are coping with the symptoms of MS.

She is also a tutor for the AACLC and has been working with a 20 year old young man who dropped out of high school after the tenth grade. Says Lee, “meeting twice a week and using the Laubach method prescribed by AACLC, my student is truly able to read fluently the materials provided with confidence. That AACLC provides all materials to students and tutors at no charge is amazing. The gift of the tools needed to learn to read truly enhances their value. My student and I are proud of his progress and look forward to broadening and refining his skills. I also cannot praise too highly the quality & quantity of support I receive from those in charge of AACLC: E-mails with suggestions for different techniques and new resources, seminars on specific topics, continuing training opportunities, and prompt responses to e-mail queries.”

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