Many of you who have expressed interest in becoming a part of the newly-formed Event Committee. Some of you have already contributed your time and talents at various events.
I would like to know if any of you might want to assist with one or more of the following:
- Look for events that might be useful and potentially productive for us to participate in, get contact information, find out about any costs and other stipulations, and inform AACLC as early as possible.
- Assist in writing grant proposals – this is a biggie! If you have been involved in doing grants in the past and are willing to take on such a task , we need you! Also, if you even HEAR about grant or other funding opportunities, please make them known.
- We need a PR person! Someone who can ideally take a few pictures at events and write up a blurb for the local media. Even if this is not your area of expertise, you may know of someone – maybe even a student – who would relish the opportunity to show their talent.
- Take charge of setting up booths and staffing events. We are planning to put together an “event kit” and develop a list of folks willing to attend such events, so it would be primarily a matter of coordinating things.
Please contact me by January to let me know if you are willing to take any part in any of these outreach efforts – Please? It need not be a major time commitment in your busy lives.
Thank you so much for your involvement with the Literacy Council.