May Message From the Director

May 10, 2013

Post image for May Message From the Director

April was filled with exciting events and awards for AACLC. We have good news! We have achieved the 2013 Top Rated Great Nonprofit Award for our 40 five-star reviews. These reviews can be seen at  AACLC has also received the Community & Employment Program Partners Award from The Abilities Network, and has been awarded a 2013 Walter Sondheim Leadership Intern for this summer.

Please be our champion on May 15th and 16th. AACLC will receive 100% of every contribution given to us during the Great Give and Bob Caspar, our Board President, has pledged to match every dollar donated to AACLC up to $3000.00!

You can see our story and donate during the Great Give at:

Click here to see my April 2013 progress report to the AACLC Board.

Warmest regards,

Lisa Vernon

Coming Attractions


Tutor Appreciation Dinner Tutor Training
May 23rd, 6:00-8:30 PM
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
Woods Memorial Presbyterian
611 Baltimore Annapolis
Blvd, Severna Park, MD
June 22, 9:00-3:00 PM
New Tutor Training
Woods Memorial Presbyterian
611 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd,
Severna Park, MD

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